Eastern Equatoria State Deputy Governor Mary Alphonse Lodira. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

E. Equatoria Deputy Governor: Extension of transitional period is good to avoid chaos

The deputy governor of Eastern Equatoria State, who also heads the SPLM-IO in the state, lauded the presidency for extending the transitional period, saying it is the only option to avoid chaos in the already miserable country.

Mary Alphonse Lodira said the election has been the main topic in South Sudan even though prerequisites have not been met.

Up to now, key provisions like the making of a permanent constitution, population census, security arrangements, repatriation of returnees and justice mechanisms among others have not been implemented despite several extensions

“Even last week we saw that there would be elections, so, just ask yourself what if we had gone for elections without implementation of some of the provisions what did we expect? This is homework for all of us because his situation came owing to some saying that we cannot push the country to the sea when we see what the problem is,” she said. “I will disagree with those who say elections are not connected with the constitution. What if we had elections and we had a disagreement, which documents were we going to use? We have this interim constitution where one person has to make a decision, so, just imagine we have a problem.”

Deputy Governor Lodira added: “Some of us stood very firm and said there is no elections, not because some of us want to be in these positions after all it is one of the most humiliating positions some of us had ever had, but we said we are not going to run away because this is our country and whatever somebody is doing to humiliate the rest, we will stand and correct what is going on.”

Meanwhile, Laduma Patricia Igan, the Executive Director of Women Impairment Organization which is based in Eastern Equatoria State, told a press conference in Torit on Thursday that the Government of South Sudan “jokes too much” and takes citizens for granted.

“It has become like they [government] are playing with us because this is the fourth extension. Although they extend, nothing is done and that is why we said we are not happy with it and we condemn the extension,” she charged. “What we recommend is that the government should make a breakdown of the two years properly to know what and when they will implement so that all provisions are implemented and we see elections at the end of 2026.”

Laduma added: “If the Government of South Sudan fails to implement the provisions again, we have the right to call the International Community to come and take over South Sudan to save us the innocent suffering people.”

She said the politicians treat the country like their income-generating activities and that they do nothing every time they extend their tenure in office.

“The government has created more disability in the country than ever before. Why are they increasing the number of disabilities in the country? The number of madness cases has increased, the number of traumatized people has increased and we consider all the employees of the government vulnerable and consider them disabled,” she said.  “How can you not pay your workers for 10 months yet they work and then the leaders bank their money in other countries? If the government leaders listen, they should answer this and they should be responsible for the people who died of hunger.”