E. Equatoria calls for justice for slain 13 suspected poachers

South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria State government has called for justice for the 13 suspected poachers killed in Lotukei, Budi County by Ugandan games rangers.

The 13 youthful hunters from Lotukei Payam of Budi County were killed after wandering into the Kideopo National Park on July 20.

The Government of South Sudan says it was not clear whether they were killed on the Ugandan side because the border committee had not established the exact boundary.

South Sudanese across the world have, through Radio Tamazuj, criticized the Juba government for allowing neighboring countries to encroach its borders to kill innocent citizens at will.

Speaking to the press at the Eastern Equatoria State Ministry of Information and Telecommunication headquarters in Torit, Minister Elia John Ahaji, who is also the State spokesperson, said arrests should be made to allow justice for the slain civilians.

“After killing an animal, skinning it, and roasting some of the meat, the smoke was detected by Ugandan game rangers. As they were transporting the meat home, they were surrounded by the game rangers who opened fire, killing 12 on spot and wounding four others. One of the wounded later succumbed to injuries at home. We urge the national government to engage with Ugandan authorities to advise their law enforcement agencies against resorting to lethal force, which has resulted in such a heavy loss. Arrests should be made to allow the law to take its course,” Ahaji said.

The minister sent the State’s condolences message to the bereaved families, and called for calm and respect for the law, to avoid encroaching into the protected areas.

Eastern Equatoria State Minister for Local Government and Law Enforcement Agencies Peter Lokeng Lotone confirmed that it was not the first time Ugandans had harassed, tortured and killed South Sudanese along the borders, hence the call to the national government to intervene.

“We are calling for justice, saying that the national government should work hard in order to confirm from the Ugandan government to compensate and arrest the people who killed the 13 South Sudanese,” he said

On what the State government would do if the national government continued to remain silent on the border issues and crimes, Lotone said the border is the prerogative of the national government.

“They have to tell us what is next,” he said.