Drunken Rumbek teenagers released from police custody

Lakes State Police Spokesman Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac (Radio Tamazuj photo)

10 youths arrested in Rumbek, Lakes State for drunkenness on the eve of the New Year celebration have been released.

10 youths arrested in Rumbek, Lakes State for drunkenness on the eve of the New Year celebration have been released.

Maj. Elijah Mabor Makuac , the police official spokesperson in Lakes State confirm their release to Radio Tamazuj on Monday.

“We just arrested them for security protection because they were under very heavy influence of alcohol and they were even not able to go home. So, the security forces decided to keep this people for their safety and up to this morning,” he said.

“The security update in Lakes State is 100 percent calm and normal. In fact, we didn’t have issues during Christmas season. I can say congratulations to all security forces in Lakes State who have sacrificed themselves to offer the security services,” he said.

He said last year’s Christmas and the New Year’s celebrations were devoid of high crime rates as compared to previous years.