Dinka Malual and Sudan’s Rezeigat agree to coexist peacefully

Dinka Malual and Rezeigat participants at a past pre-migration conference celebrate the signing of agreed resolutions. (Photo: UNDP)

The Dinka Malual community in South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and the Rezeigat Arab pastoralists from Sudan’s East Darfur State concluded a peace conference last week in which they resolved to live harmoniously.

The Dinka Malual community in South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal State and the Rezeigat Arab pastoralists from Sudan’s East Darfur State concluded a peace conference last week in which they resolved to live harmoniously.

The chairman for the Dinka Malual Joint Border Peace Committee which is comprised of members from the counties of Aweil North, Aweil West, and Aweil Center, Anguei Noon Atak, told Radio Tamazuj Tuesday that they also adopted conflict resolution mechanisms to be used along the common border of the two countries.

He said that all outstanding compensations will be completed in two weeks.

“We have agreed to live together, graze together, fish together, and promote peace and stability between the two communities,” Noon said. “The conference was interesting because we have reviewed all the outstanding compensations of the last years and we the leaders of Dinka Malual and Rezeigat have decided to finalize them in the next two weeks.”

For his part, the Rezeigat representative, Al-Jak Rashid, welcomed the conference’s resolutions and urged both communities to embrace them and promote peace and stability.

“We started the conference on Sunday and ended on Wednesday with successful recommendations. We have also discussed all issues of compensation and peaceful coexistence,” he said. “We wish the Sudanese and South Sudanese peoples near with borderlines, especially in Kiir Adem and Rigebat, to enjoy peace.”

“My last message is to promote peace and stability because conflict does not take people to the next level,” Rashid added.

According to the Northern Bahr el Ghazal State Ministry of Peacebuilding, the conference was attended by over 160 delegates from both communities. The ministry also stated that the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) and South Sudan Police Service (SSNPS) have been up to the task, met their objectives, and maintained peace along the common border.