Death sentence for Umma party official in Blue Nile

The Al-Damazin Court in the Blue Nile region on Monday issued a death sentence under Article 50, ‘Undermining the Constitutional System,’ against Eissa Hamid, a member of the National Umma Party’s Professionals’ Circle.

The Al-Damazin Court in the Blue Nile region on Monday issued a death sentence under Article 50, ‘Undermining the Constitutional System,’ against Eissa Hamid, a member of the National Umma Party’s Professionals’ Circle.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday, Sanaa Al-Amin Mahmoud, Eissa Hamid’s wife, revealed that her husband was arrested by military intelligence on January 31, 2024, at Al-Damazin Airport, where he works.

She added, “He was held by military intelligence for several days before being transferred to the central police station in Al-Damazin. He was then charged with undermining the constitutional system, transferred to Al-Roseires Prison, and after several hearings, sentenced to death.”

Mahmoud refuted any association between her husband and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), clarifying that his tribal affiliation with the Al-Misseriya tribe does not imply support for the RSF. She affirmed his membership in the National Umma Party.

In a statement regarding the trial, the National Umma Party declared, “Beloved Eissa Hamid was detained prior to his recent court referral, and his trial lacked justice and fairness, underscoring the perversion of justice and its use for retaliatory purposes against those opposing the war and its instigators.”

The National Umma Party continued, “We vehemently condemn this unjust ruling, denouncing the judiciary’s exploitation to persecute political and civil activists against the war. We demand the annulment of this sentence and pledge to legally oppose the misuse of the judiciary for settling scores against civilians uninvolved in the conflict.”

The party appeals to all human rights organizations to stand against these oppressive practices by the de facto authorities, who exploit the judiciary against civilians detained for their anti-war stance. It warns of the grave consequences of using the judiciary to prosecute citizens under unlawful pretexts.

The party asserts that the resurgence of repressive practices from the former regime is evidence of its elements’ involvement in this war. Their desperate attempts to push the country towards strife and expand the war’s scope by targeting anti-war civil forces and certain social groups under the pretext of supporting the RSF only deepen the crisis, exacerbate tensions, and perpetuate the conflict. The party calls on the leadership of the Armed Forces to halt these malicious schemes aimed at dismantling society.