Deaf union in Aweil blames state government for neglect

Northern Bahr el Ghazal’s association of the deaf says the state government is not caring for deaf people in the state or helping them to learn and develop.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal’s association of the deaf says the state government is not caring for deaf people in the state or helping them to learn and develop.

The leader of the deaf union says that the deaf in the state need education in sign language, basic education, employment and human rights.

The chairperson for the deaf union Marol Mayen Marol said they are appealing to the government and non-governmental organizations concerned with disabilities to support their union.

Marol appealed for the building of a school for the deaf, health care provision and equal-opportunity employment.

File photo: Students at a specialized school for the deaf in Zalingei, Central Darfur (UNAMID)