Cultural festival week kicks off in Rumbek

The Cipuou-mat community-based organization, supported by Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund (POF), has organized week-long cultural activities in the Lakes State capital, Rumbek.

The Cipuou-mat community-based organization, supported by Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund (POF), has organized week-long cultural activities in the Lakes State capital, Rumbek.

The event commenced on Saturday at Akon Buoi Cultural Centre under the theme, "Achieving Peace through Cultural Diversity."

The launch of the cultural week which was attended by over 100 participants from different communities was officially opened by Lakes State governor, Makur Kulang Liei.

Governor Makur Kulang told Radio Tamazuj that the diverse communities of Lakes State should cease intercommunal hostilities and revenge killings and that the use of guns to kill each other has never been a culture of the community.

"Our cultures have been lost but we want to revive our culture of peaceful coexistence and stop the culture of gun violence against each other," Makur Kulang said.

He appealed to the youth who are migrating to the wetlands to graze their cattle during the dry season to stay in peace and harmony with one another.

"We never want anybody moving with cattle to the wetlands to carry guns. All guns must be surrendered to the government before you take cattle to grazing lands,” Makur Kulang advised.

He said, culturally in the past, people used wooden sticks, spears, and shields for fighting and personal protection and not guns. 

"There are some places which have not been disarmed due to fear of insecurity. We cannot disarm them because they will be vulnerable to communities that have not been disarmed, so we are waiting for the army to come and carry out general disarmament for all the Communities," the governor added. 

Makur Kulang vowed that he will ensure that between January and March 2021 all the communities of Lakes State carrying arms are disarmed.

The chairperson of Cipuou-mat community-based organization, Juzella Nyanagar Jima, said that the reason for organizing all Lakes State communities for the week-long cultural activities in Rumbek Central County is to revive the lost cultures and restore them.

"We have brought together Agar, Ciec Manyiel, Atuot, Gok, and Jurbel communities into the cultural week activities and each community has presented their culture and performed," Nyanagar Jima said.

She appreciated the Peacebuilding Opportunities Fund for supporting the women’s program and activities in Rumbek, "We appreciate the support given to us as women by the POF organization since the beginning of our activities as women.”

The area adviser of POF, Philip Thon Madit, said the event will end on 1st January 2021.