Cueibet: Suspected rapist seized after a month on the run

Police in Cueibet County have arrested a 30-year-old man suspected of raping a 16- year-old girl then fleeing from his village in Mamer-ngap last month.

The suspect was apprehended by the security forces on Monday.

The Lakes State Police Spokesperson, Elijah Mabor Makuac, confirmed the arrest to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday.

“The suspect is currently in custody in Cueibet County for investigation,” said Makuac.

Civil society activist Daniel Laat Kon said rape and gender-based violence (GBV) were punishable under both the government and the customary laws, adding that the offences included early and forced marriages.

Makuac said that the enactment of the law had raised hopes of protecting girls and reducing GBV in Lakes State.

“Yes, there are still GBV cases and that is why we have to appreciate the government’s efforts,” he said, adding that the perpetrators would be held to account.