Cueibet County: SSPDF, armed youth clashes leave 2 dead, 3 injured

The authorities in Lakes State and Warrap State have confirmed that a civilian and a soldier were on Tuesday killed and 3 civilians injured when suspected cattle rustlers clashed with security forces in Lakes State’s Cueibet County.

The authorities in Lakes State and Warrap State have confirmed that a civilian and a soldier were on Tuesday killed and 3 civilians injured when suspected cattle rustlers clashed with security forces in Lakes State’s Cueibet County.

The acting information minister in Lakes State, William Koji Kirjok, told Radio Tamazuj Thursday that soldiers and armed youth clashed when the former went to recover cattle raided from Tonj South County in Warrap State.

“The clashes have left 1 civilian dead and 3 injured. Whether they like it or not, those raided cattle must be recovered and returned to the rightful owners. The armed raiders resisted and refused to hand over the stolen cattle to the security forces peacefully so it led to clashes,” he said. “So far 100 head of cattle have been recovered from them and there are still 135 raided cattle missing. Also, some of the cattle of the rustlers, about 600 head of cattle, have been detained by the security forces so that they return the stolen cattle.”

“Several people who were found in the cattle camp have been arrested,” Minister Koji added.

Meanwhile, the information minister in Warrap State, William Wol Mayom, confirmed that 100 head of cattle have been recovered and said 135 are still missing.

“I have confirmed from the commissioner of Tonj South County (Warrap State) who is currently in Cueibet County (Lakes State) that 100 head of cattle have been recovered and 135 are still missing,” he said. “During the clashes between the army armed rustlers, 1 soldier was confirmed killed.  I do not have information about the civilian casualties. The Lakes State government knows how many civilians have been killed in the confrontation. Our forces are in Cueibet County but were not involved in the fighting.”

He said the operation to recover the stolen cattle is progressing well.