Crisis affects over 60 disabled in Eastern Equatoria

Over 60 South Sudanese disabled mostly women and children at Bongo area of Eastern Equatoria state have been badly affected by the ongoing national crisis in South Sudan, according to the Secretary-General of the South Sudanese Disabled Union Elizayo Malesh.

Over 60 South Sudanese disabled mostly women and children at Bongo area of Eastern Equatoria state have been badly affected by the ongoing national crisis in South Sudan, according to the Secretary-General of the South Sudanese Disabled Union Elizayo Malesh.

Malesh told Radio Tamazuj that the government has stopped the support that it was previously giving to the disabled in the area, which worsened the humanitarian situation of the disabled especially students.

The head of the disabled union called on the political leaders to stop the ongoing war. He added that the conflict is just wasting resources and increasing the number of disabled people in South Sudan.

The government opened a school for disabled at Rajaf Payam, but it was interrupted by the war. “All the projects were halted since then and the organizations that had been helping stopped their operations since the war started,” he said.

File photo: A blind grandmother in South Sudan is led by her grandchild