Complaints of food shortage in N Bahr al Ghazal

Residents in Aweil town say they are facing a food shortage due to a slowdown in agricultural activities.

Residents in Aweil town say they are facing a food shortage due to a slowdown in agricultural activities.

Residents told Radio Tamazuj that many families have abdandoned farming in the rural areas and come to stay in the town without anything to do, causing a shortage of food.

Garang Mawen, one of the locals, said the state is facing hunger because most of the families rely on government salaries only. He called on the citizens to embark on agriculture instead of staying idle depending on relatives.

For his part, Northern Bahr al Ghazal Minister of Information Wek Kuch Deng blamed the food shortage on the Sudanese government, which has closed its border with South Sudan, restricting trade in essential goods.

Wek also blamed the Juba government for ignoring calls by the local authorities to intervene urgently by providing food.

Wek attributed the problem to closure of borders with Sudan after an aerial bombardment in the area, affecting the border trade between Sudan and Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.