Community road rehabilitation project launched in Magwi County

The Eastern Equatoria State Government in, collaboration with the Pajok Community, over the weekend launched a road rehabilitation project in Pajok, Magwi County.

The project came after the Pajok Community raised USD 35,000 from locals, intellectuals, and the government to improve the 35-kilometer Ayaci- Limur Road.

Meanwhile, Jildo Abala Remy, the Eastern Equatoria State Minister of Transport, Road and Bridges while speaking at the function, said rehabilitating roads will help boost the transportation of goods and service delivery to grassroots populations.

“The roads connecting the bomas, payams, and counties to the state headquarters have not been rehabilitated for long,” he stated. “Addressing such a challenge of road networks through community initiatives will enhance transportation of goods and service delivery in the state at large and Magwi County in particular.”

For his part, Ojok Francis, the chairperson of the Pajok Community, said the initiative is entirely a community project developed by the sons and daughters of the area.

“Pertaining to the road project, we agreed with our company who are sons of our community and they offered their machines and we have to contribute fuel and other lubricants and pay the operators. The cost was around USD 35,000,” he explained. “That money could not cover the cost of culverts so we are still trying to lobby more resources so that the culvert requested can be fixed on the bad spots. Do not get surprised if we knock on your door and please continue supporting us.”

Wani Charles, a representative for Robust Construction Company, said all the necessary materials for the project are available and the construction commences on Monday. He however pointed out that he is worried about the many streams along the Aliaa-Ngomoromo Road, saying will require many culverts.

“Last week, I did some assessment from Aliar to Ngomoromo and Ten ten, we have so many streams along the road,” he reported. “The machines are on the way and the excavator we are waiting for is coming from Juba. If all goes well, we are going to start from Aliaa.”

On his part, Governor Louis Lobong Lojore lauded the Pajok Community for the initiative and expressed his readiness to continue supporting community-initiated programs.

“We came to support you on the road rehabilitation that your community has initiated and we have supported. We support the community initiative because if it is you initiating it, you will be able to own it, but if the government or an NGO comes and builds you a school or a road, you will not take care of it. If it is coming from us, we will be able to own it is we who are supposed to build our schools, roads, and health facilities. In reality, it is supposed to be the community.”