Community police killed in Twic East road ambush

A member of the community police was gunned down while on duty in a village in Jonglei State’s Twic East County on Saturday, authorities said.

Acting Twic East County Commissioner Elijah Manyok Ayii told Radio Tamazuj that the deceased, identified as Tor Bul Tor, was on patrol on a motorcycle with a colleague when he was shot dead on Saturday evening.

“At 6pm, two of our youth who were riding a motorcycle to provide security on a road along the Jonglei Canal, between Ngalapicha and Makarwil, were attacked by armed assailants, resulting in the killing of one man,” Ayii stated.

“The attackers then fled after a brief fire exchange. These youth were providing security to trucks plying the route,” he said.

The county official condemned the attack, which he blamed on armed youth suspected to have come from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA)

“According to eyewitness, they were attacked by Murle criminals. We condemned this attack and called on GPAA to intervene by stopping their youth from involvement in attacks,” he said.

However, GPAA Information Minister Oleyo Akwer Nyalus, said they were not aware of the attack and any involvement of their youth.