Community leaders demand investigation of torture by National Security in Tambura

One of the tortured men is receiving treatment at a clinic in Yambio. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

A section of community leaders in Tambura County in Western Equatoria State on Monday demanded that the government investigate reports of torture by elements of the National Security Service.

A section of community leaders in Tambura County in Western Equatoria State on Monday demanded that the government investigate reports of torture by elements of the National Security Service.

A statement signed by Sabit Kormelio, the chief of the Balanda in Tambura, and two community leaders, Peter Bai Balanda and Felix Noya Balanda, said that on 9 August, national security personnel went to arrest one Jorom Nvolo from his shop on allegations that he received money and munitions from an undisclosed source and was distributing to rebels.

“In the process, three people, Basa Fude, William Bazia, and Venasio Gasi were arrested and tortured till they lost consciousness,” the statement read. “On the morning of 10 August, the trader Jorom Nvolo went and presented himself to the National Security office with a contract he signed with an NGO (World Vision), and later the trader and three tortured boys were found innocent.”

“As the Balanda chiefs in Tambura County, we condemn these kinds of arbitrary arrests and torturing and we call on the government and our organized forces to use lawful procedures of investigating an accused citizen and charge them by the law if found guilty,” they added.

The local leaders demanded a thorough investigation into the incident and asked that the security officers involved in the torture of the men be brought to book.

“We regret the branding of the Balanda community as rebels by enemies of peace and triggers of violence in Tambura and we call upon the county and state authorities to investigate the circumstances under which Balanda are regarded as rebels in Tambura,” the statement said.

When contacted by Radio Tamazuj, Tambura County Commissioner Mathew Edward Mabenge, confirmed the incident and said a committee will be formed to investigate the matter and said those found culpable will l face the law.

“We will look at regulations and ethics of soldiers and we are going to form a committee to investigate and see who is guilty so that they are charged according to military law,” he said.

The three men who were tortured by the soldiers are receiving treatment at a private clinic in Yambio.

The chiefs said they remain committed to working with the county authorities and organized forces to ensure peace, unity, and tranquillity in the county.