A community leader arrested in Mayom Wel for refusing to recognize the new state is calling for a pardon.
Previously, Mayom Wel was part of Aweil East but annexed to Aweil town after Presiedent Salva Kiir changed the number of states in South Sudan from 10 to 28 in October.
“Now that Mayom Wel is one of the eight counties of Aweil state, our problem is finished and we want to join hand (in hand) together and work for the welfare of community to development our county” said Anyuon Deng Kuot, one of the arrested community leaders.
In April, three leaders were arrested and accused of tearing down a state flag before the arrival of governor. The three also authored a letter to the governor, warning him not to visit Mayom Wel according to the statement made by the minister of information, culture, youth and sports. They were later released on bail to await a trial.
Kuot denied tearing down the flag, and said unknown politicians were responsible for their arrest.
Minister of information James Wieu said state authorities are considering leanency for the three accused.
“The government will try to pardon (the three)” said Wieu, but warned the three were also accused of tearing down the flag of South Sudan and Mayom Wel. “We can just open a new chapter for them because now it will be an example for them to have start believing that they are part of Aweil state” said Wieu