Civil servant in Rumbek says his dismissal politically motivated

Chirilo Majok Thuc, the Office Manager to the Lakes State Minister of Health, says his dismissal by Health Minister Gordon Maper Manyiel was politically motivated and was prompted by the state Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Wol Agany Mazeek.

Chirilo Majok Thuc, the Office Manager to the Lakes State Minister of Health, says his dismissal by Health Minister Gordon Maper Manyiel was politically motivated and was prompted by the state Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Wol Agany Mazeek.

Chirilo was dismissed in a letter copied to all the ministers on 28 July. He pointed out that it is unusual to send a letter of dismissal of staff to all the state ministers. He suggested this means the dismissal was not connected with his performance during his time in office.

He has accused the state minister of health Maper Manyiel of being misled by his colleague, the state minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Wol Agany Mazeek.

The youth minister earlier in July issued a ministerial order dissolving the state youth union, prompting some dissent from supporters of the incumbent leadership, including Chirilo Majok Thuc.

In an interview, Lakes Minister of Health Gordon Maper Manyiel confirmed that he ordered his officer manager’s dismissal and he confirmed also that he has copied all the state ministers in his dismissal letter so that they not consider Chirilo Majok for the same position.