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MARIDI - 1 Jul 2016

Citizens of Maridi join hands to clean Maridi Airport

Citizens of Maridi County on Friday turned out to clear Maridi airstrip to allow flights to land in the state.

The exercise was called for by the state government, asking NGOs, CSOs, schools and associations to turn up and improve conditions at the airport by clearing elephant grass and other obstacles out of the way.

Daniel Owudada, the mayor of Maridi Municipality, at the airport this morning thanked the citizens who turned up for the work. He says the airport will help all the citizens not only the government official or NGOs.

James Angelo, the acting director of civil aviation of Maridi state, says the condition of the airport is not good, he says the ministry of physical infrastructure is responsible to clean the airport but the challenge is the ministry still does not have any budget to work on the airport and the few laborers are also not enough to clean the field.

Maridi airport was initiated on the 17 March 1963 by the ministry of physical infrastructure.