Citizens in West Kordofan demand development

A large number of citizens from An-Nahud and El-Fula, West Kordofan state, deplore what they term a “lack of services and development policies” by the state government.

A large number of citizens from An-Nahud and El-Fula, West Kordofan state, deplore what they term a “lack of services and development policies” by the state government.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, local residents explained that “The successive state governments in West Kordofan and South Kordofan states have not been able to deliver services and plan or implement development projects.”

“The government should have built tarmac roads, especially between the various towns and the oil rich area in the west of the state, if it seriously intended to deliver services to the people,” a citizen added.

The local residents accuse the former governor of South Kordofan, Ahmed Haroun, of wasting the state’s resources on war. They also doubt about the priorities of the new state government, soon expected to be presented by the governor, since “it will be just an introduction of new faces.”

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