Chinese investors explore investment opportunities in E. Equatoria

The Sangmu HK International Company from China embarked on a journey to Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria State, with a mission to explore investment opportunities in the region. The Chinese delegation, led by Peng Xiaoyan, Chairperson of Sangmu HK International Company in South Sudan, consisted of over 10 members.

The Sangmu HK International Company from China embarked on a journey to Torit, the capital of Eastern Equatoria State, with a mission to explore investment opportunities in the region. The Chinese delegation, led by Peng Xiaoyan, Chairperson of Sangmu HK International Company in South Sudan, consisted of over 10 members.

During a meeting with the Eastern Equatoria State government on Saturday, Sangmu HK International Company expressed keen interest in various sectors, including agriculture, mining, education, and finance. Although the two sides have not yet signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU), specific terms and the timing for such an agreement were not disclosed.

Peng Xiaoyan, Chairperson of Sangmu HK International Company, conveyed the purpose of their visit through a translator, stating in Chinese Mandarin, “Our visit to Eastern Equatoria State is primarily to discuss cooperation in the fields of mining, agriculture, and related industries. We are fortunate and delighted to engage in in-depth communication with senior government officials in Eastern Equatoria State. Through this visit and our discussions, we have found common ground. We appreciate the arrangements made by the South Sudan government, the South Sudan Embassy in China, and senior state government officials, including the Deputy Governor.”

Ruth Mario Vugga, the Eastern Equatoria State Minister for Trade and Industry, commended the Chinese company’s efforts in exploring trade and investment opportunities within the state. She highlighted Eastern Equatoria’s rich mineral resources, offering opportunities for mineral development and resource diversification.

“Welcome to Eastern Equatoria! The Ministry for Trade and Industry appreciates this visit. Thank you for exploring trade and investment opportunities in Eastern Equatoria State. The Eastern Equatoria State government promotes investment and trade, as well as the diversification of the economy in our region. Eastern Equatoria boasts a rich potential in minerals and provides excellent opportunities for mineral development,” she said.

Angelo William Geri, the Eastern Equatoria State Minister of Animal Resources and Fisheries, stressed the potential for job creation among the youth with the presence of investment companies.

He encouraged the Chinese investment company to prioritize agriculture, emphasizing that Eastern Equatoria State has over 11,750,000 herds of animals with a need for breed improvement.

“As a government, we want the private sector to invest, as it can create jobs and contribute to our country’s development. Eastern Equatoria is the only state with five ecological zones for agriculture, ranging from a green belt to a semi-arid region where animal production is significant. Two-thirds of our animals are in semi-arid areas. We have 11,750,000 herds of livestock, including cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, donkeys, and camels. Investment in livestock is crucial for improving our breeds,” he said.

German Charles Ojok, Eastern Equatoria State Advisor on Economic Affairs, emphasized the urgency of addressing hunger due to poor farming methods among the state’s citizens. He welcomed foreign company investments as a solution to this pressing issue.

He stated, “You have come as a lifeline, and if we can address the issue of hunger, there will be no misunderstandings, no hatred because we will all be satisfied. Now that you are here, we hope you can help us tackle the problem of hunger caused by poverty. In this state, we rely on rainfall for farming and still use traditional farming tools. We cannot afford modern farming machinery.”

Mary Alphonse Lodira, Eastern Equatoria State Deputy Governor, extended a warm welcome to the Chinese investment company, emphasizing that her state is open to investment. She informed the delegates that the company had already assessed areas rich in minerals for investment and assured them of improved security in the state.

She concluded, “We are honoured by your visit and your interest in investing in Eastern Equatoria State. I am pleased that the delegation came through the government, not just as private individuals. They brought South Sudanese representatives to China for investment, and they also came with officials from the national government in Juba. Eastern Equatoria State is a peaceful region that warmly welcomes investment.”