CEPO's Edmund Yakani. (File photo)

CEPO: Presidency should meet after the reconstitution of NEC, NCRC, and PPC

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has said the collegial presidency should meet and chart a way forward after the formation of the key political transitional institutions.

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has said the collegial presidency should meet and chart a way forward after the formation of the key political transitional institutions.

In early November last year, President Salva Kiir reconstituted the National Constitutional Review Commission (NCRC), National Elections Commission (NEC), and the Political Parties Council (PPC) and appointed officials to lead the three institutions.

CEPO now says progress has been realized by the reconstitution of the three vital bodies but that it should be followed up by the payment of the graduated unified forces and the establishment of an Election Security Committee under the national interior ministry.

“All these sound gains offer an opportunity for the presidency to meet and make some key decision,” a statement from CEPO reads in part.

CEPO Executive Director Edmund Yakani said the remaining time requires urgent political decisions by the presidency to make decisions on preconditions for the conduct of the elections and financing of the electoral process.

“Additionally, offering timely political decisions through consensus among the parties on the issues of preconditions for the conduct of the elections will help in shaping civic education and planning for the design of the electoral calendar by the leadership of NEC,” he said. “The presidency needs to save the country by offering timely and genuine political decisions since already disturbing voices calling for an extension of the tenure of the transitional government are rising unexpectedly.”

Yakani added: “The leadership of reconstituted NEC, NCRC, and PPC require direction by the presidency to successfully move toward the end of the political transitional process.”

Yakani also appealed to faith-based leaders to undertake a proactive role by nurturing mediation for political consensus.

“Finally, CEPO is urging the president to respond positively to the call to hold an urgent meeting of the presidency for essential political decision-making to guide the reconstituted NEC, NCRC, and PPC,” the statement concluded.

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