CEPO condemns Monday’s SSPDF-SPLA-IO clashes in Unity State

The Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), Edmund Yakani, has strongly condemned Monday’s fighting between the SSPDF and SPLA-IO in Unity State.


The Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), Edmund Yakani, has strongly condemned Monday’s fighting between the SSPDF and SPLA-IO in Unity State.

Unity State Information Minister David Gai told Radio Tamazuj Monday that the fighting erupted when Governor Dr. Joesph Nguen Monytuil’s convoy was ambushed by SPLA-IO, resulting in the killing of several SSPDF soldiers and the wounding of two senior SSPDF officers.

SPLA-IO Spokesperson Col. Lam Paul Gabriel however countered that there was a two two-pronged attack on their position in Nyuel Nyuel coordinated and led by Governor Joseph Nguen Monytuil and the SSPSF Division Commander in Unity State.

According to Yakani, the fighting violated the ceasefire as stipulated in the 2018 peace agreement.

“The fighting is a violation of the permanent ceasefire through the military clash between SPLA-IO and SSPDF in northern unity state. This clash demonstrates clearly how much the field commanders are not adhering to their commitment for observation of permanent ceasefire,” he said. “Continuous military confrontations between the SPLA-IO and SSPDF in Unity State will trigger the country’s return to war although the political leadership has several times told the nation that they are not ready to return the country to war.”

Yakani added: “The growing deficit in trust and confidence among the SPLA-IO and SSPDF in Unity State, which is politically motivated, needs to be addressed by the country’s top defense and security leadership.”

He urged President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar to immediately call the field commanders to explain and face disciplinary and accountability measures. He said the clashes show that the field-level defense and security sector lacks command and control.

“This renewed violation of the permanent ceasefire in the face of looming elections is a risk and poses threats to public trust and confidence for the conduct of free, fair, credible, and peaceful elections,” Yakani concluded.