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JUBA - 28 Feb 2016

CEPO calls for investigations of Wau and Malakal events to be made public

South Sudanese civil society organization CEPO today is calling on the government to investigate recent violence in Wau and Malakal and to make public the findings of both investigations.

Soldiers of the South Sudanese army SPLA were accused of attacks on civilians in both Malakal PoC last week and in the outskirts of Wau where violence was reported earlier this month. The Minister of Cabinet Affairs has issued a ministerial order for the establishment of an investigative committee to scrutinize the recent events in Wau and Malakal towns.

CEPO says that it is “calling upon the government to make the findings of the investigations of both towns public.”

Edmund Yakani, the director of the organization said, “Many similar investigations were done in the past but none of the past similar investigations findings were made public. The lack of making government investigations on public matters known to the public, normally it makes the public to consider the government is not serious and less committed for reduction of impunity or corruption.”

He added, “Finally, CEPO hope that the investigations will be free from political manipulations and denial of reflections of the truth to the public. CEPO appreciates this act of the government. We hope that it will to public attention accurate information on the deadly incidences of Wau and Malakal.”