CTSAMVM Chairperson General Asrat Denero Amad. (Photo: Radio Tamazuj)

Ceasefire body urges SSPDF to withdraw from SPLA-IO cantonment sites

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) has called on the South Sudan People`s Defense Forces (SSPDF) to withdraw its forces from cantonment sites designated for the opposition SPLA-IO forces in Unity State and Upper Nile State.

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) has called on the South Sudan People`s Defense Forces (SSPDF) to withdraw its forces from cantonment sites designated for the opposition SPLA-IO forces in Unity State and Upper Nile State.

Speaking during the CTSAMVM meeting in Juba on Monday, Lieutenant General Asrat Denero Amad, the CTSAMVM chairperson said the SSPDF and its affiliates continue to occupy, Mir Mir, Liang, and Jekou cantonment sites in Unity and Upper Nile states.

He said the sites were supposed to be occupied by the SPLA-IO.

“These cantonment sites were designated for SPLM/A-IO and therefore CTSAMVM appeals to SSPDF to withdraw and allow SPLM/A-IO to re-occupy the areas,” Gen. Denero said.

The CTSAMVM chairperson expressed concerns over reports of tensions between splinter groups of the SPLA-IO in Upper Nile and parts of Jonglei State and several ceasefire violations by ill-disciplined soldiers from both the SSPDF and SPLA-IO.

“CTSAMVM remains concerned about the recent reports of tensions in Upper Nile State and northern parts of Jonglei State following repeated clashes reported between SPLM/A-IO, Agwelek forces, and the armed youth which has caused deaths and large-scale displacement of civilians,” he said.  

Gen. Denero however noted that the permanent ceasefire was largely holding in most states despite reported violations in Central Equatoria by the rebel National Salvation Front (NAS).