Ceasefire body lauds gov’t for graduating unified forces

Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) chairperson, Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero Amad. [Photo: Radio Tamazuj]

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) has applauded the transitional government for the increased number of graduated unified forces across South Sudan.

The Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangement Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) has applauded the transitional government for the increased number of graduated unified forces across South Sudan.

The mechanism’s chairperson, Lt. Gen. Asrat Denero Amad, made the remarks during the 34th CTSAMVM’s board meeting in Juba on Tuesday.

“I wish to take this opportunity to inform you that since the last board meeting, there has been an increase in the number of graduated forces,” stated Gen. Denero. “In addition to Greater Equatoria and Jonglei States, on 4 November 2022, CTSAMVM witnessed the graduation of 13, 628 forces at Wau Stadium in the Greater Bahr El Ghazal. These were a representation of the forces from the training centers of Masna Biira, Mapel, and Pantit.”

He added that to date, a total number of 40,366 forces have so far been declared graduated.

“However, CTSAMVM is yet to be informed about the graduation dates of phase one trainees in Upper Nile and Unity states and the subsequent plan for phase two training,” Gen. Denero said. “Secondly, in regards to the new roadmap of the Extended Transitional Period, CTSAMVM urges R-TGoNU to quickly implement the remaining unimplemented tasks during this extended period to lead to peaceful elections.”

CTSAMVM also tasked the Joint Defense Board (JDB) to provide the details of the phase one deployment plan of the graduated soldiers and requested the Joint Transitional Security Committee (JTSC) to provide details of the plans for the second phase of training, including the locations of cantonment sites and training centers.

The CTSAMVM chairperson said tensions between the peace parties in Unity and Upper Nile States have reduced to some extent but warned about recent reports of tensions in Upper Nile State and northern parts of Jonglei State following repeated clashes reported between SPLA-IO, Agwelek forces, and armed youth which have caused deaths and large scale displacement of civilians.

Denero raised concerns over the continuous occupation of Mirmir, Liang, and Jekou cantonment sites in Unity and Upper Nile States respectively by SSPDF and or its affiliates. 

“These cantonment sites were designated for SPLM/A-IO and therefore CTSAMVM appeals to SSPDF to withdraw and allow SPLM/A-IO to re-occupy the areas,” he urged.

The CTSAMVM boss said the permanent ceasefire is significantly holding in most states but added that there have been several violations of the peace agreement involving ill-discipline by both SSPDF and SPLA-IO soldiers.

According to Gen. Denero, there continue to be incidents reportedly perpetrated by elements of the National Salvation Front (NAS) in Central Equatoria State.