Cattle trader killed along Kapoeta-Boma road

A cattle trader identified as Lokwa Locahwon has been shot dead along the Kapoeta-Boma Road on Wednesday, local officials said.

A cattle trader identified as Lokwa Locahwon has been shot dead along the Kapoeta-Boma Road on Wednesday, local officials said.

Natabo James, a Member of Parliament at the Eastern Equatoria State Legislative Assembly representing SPLA-IO, told Radio Tamazuj on Thursday that said the incident occurred when armed youth believed to be from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area ambushed a group of businessmen at around 8:30am, about 30 Kilometers from Boma.

 “There is a place called Lowoyaku opposite Khor Ardeb Boma, some traders came from Boma County which is the greater Pibor administrative area, these people they escorted their cattle, they were bringing these cattle to Kapoeta for sale then the youth of Murle came and ambushed them on the road, they killed one then two of them run away,” he explained.

Mr. Natabo James claimed the attackers ran into the bush and left the cattle.

“They did not even take the animals and they ran and this guy who has been killed his name is Lokwa Lochawon,” Natabo James said.

Natabo condemned the incident saying such attacks will disrupt the free movement of people and goods among neighbouring communities.

He called on authorities in Boma County to take possible measures in apprehending the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

“I condemn that killing it is not good because if we start killing our traders, it is something very painful for us,” he added.

The Commissioner of Kapoeta East County Abdullah Angelo Lokeno also confirmed the incident accusing the Murle youth of perpetrating the attack.

Mr. Lokeno urged the two communities to respect and implement the agreement reached during the peace dialogue recently aimed at bringing together the three communities of Jie, Murle and Toposa.

“We are not happy with what happened, this is not something good, this is tarnishing the relationship between communities…We and our people of Boma we agreed to coexist with them,” Lokeno stated.

Boma County authorities of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area could not be reached for comment.