Candidates prepared to write SSCSE exams in Juba and Bor

Students from various secondary schools in Juba, Central Equatoria State, and Bor, Jonglei State say they are ready to sit for the national examinations scheduled for tomorrow, Monday.

Students from various secondary schools in Juba, Central Equatoria State, and Bor, Jonglei State say they are ready to sit for the national examinations scheduled for tomorrow, Monday.

The South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE) examinations are scheduled to kick off across the country on March 22, 2021.  

The ministry of general education and instruction said last week that it had finalized the distribution of examination papers to almost all the 10 states and administrative areas including the security personnel meant to guard the papers.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, the Headmaster for Juba International, Mr. Martin Kenyi Joseph says his students are ready to sit for the final examinations.

"Of course we are ready, we are prepared especially the students are very happy because all the syllabus were covered and now they are just waiting to do their examinations," Kenyi said. 

He noted that 293 students are going to sit the exams from his school and the examination papers will be brought to their center early Monday morning.

We spoke to a few candidates there. 

"I have just gone through my notes, I have passed my notes, am really well prepared and I really have that courage that I will do something," Atoch Lino Yai, a student at Juba International school said.

Another Juba-based student, Abuk Garang says she is hopeful that she will pass the exams.

"I am ready to sit for this examination except for the Physics subject, I failed to get its textbook in Juba, but I hope I will get something above 50%," she said.

However, Supiri Secondary school Headmaster, Mr. Ben Tombek Lubano says the time for preparing students was not enough though he hopes his students will do well in the upcoming examinations.

"This year we have a lot of problems due to Covid-19. If you look at the calendar of this year it is only five months compared to the other years where we have 9 to 10 months for preparing students.

So this one makes it difficult for some of the teachers to finish their syllabus. All in all, we are preparing with the hope that they will do well," Tombek noted. 

He added that Supiri Secondary School School has a total of 399 students for both sciences and arts this year.

While in parts of Jonglei State, more than 1,000 candidates prepare to write their exams despite being the worst-hit by floods which started in July. 

Last year, barely a month after schools in the state were reopened for candidates classes amidst Covid-19 lockdown, officials warned hundreds of students may miss out on SSCSE examinations due to the floods. 

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj Lual Monyluak Dau, the state education minister, said more than 1,000 candidates will write their examinations come Monday after all the arrangements are completed. 

“On Wednesday we received examinations in the state capital, Bor. And on Monday, examinations will start across 11 centers in Bor Town. This year, we have 1,165 students, including 227 females,” the education minister said. 

Monyluak admitted that they registered a drop in candidates in 2021 compared to the past years due to the floods. 

"Due to the floods candidates from Twic East County shifted to Bor last year. While for the rest of the counties, there have been no classes for those in secondary schools since 2013,” he pointed out.

Several students expressed joy that they are taking part in the national exercise after uncertainties due to the floods. 

“Given the suffering, we had gone through, I am happy that I will finally say bye-bye to high school,” Sarah Amuor, a candidate from Royal High School said. 

Another student Mary Akur expressed optimism that they will pass their examinations with flying colors because of commitment from her teachers at Alliance High. 

“At our school, we are about 15 females and the rest are about 80 males. Despite the floods, we have committed ourselves and our teachers were also committed to teaching us. So, we expect good results,” she said.

Meanwhile, Francis Mayen Deng, the director for secondary education in the state, wished the students success in their examinations, and that they expect good results despite the effects of the floods and economic hardship as both students and teachers were committed. 

A total of 34,536 students are expected to sit for the South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education (SSCSE) countrywide beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 22, 2021.