Abyei Paramount Chief Bulabek Deng Kuol (courtesy photo)

Calm returns to Ngok Dinka and Twic conflict zones: Chief

Relative calm has returned to the Abyei Area following the visit of South Sudan’s top security officers to quench the three-year deadly conflict between the Ngok Dinka and the Twic community of Warrap State.

Hundreds of people were reported killed from both sides in the conflict that erupted in early February 2022 over the ownership of Aneet and other surrounding areas. Other unidentified number of people were wounded in the clashes that also occasioned mass displacements.

Several peace mediations failed and tensions had worsened, forcing the government to dispatch a security committee headed by the Chief of Defense Forces, Gen Santino Deng Wol, to the areas in May.  

The Director General of the National Security Bureau, Gen Akol Koor Kuc and the Inspector General of the Police, Gen Atem Marol, were part of the delegation tasked to end the unrest and ensure massive deployment of organized forces between the feuding groups.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Tuesday evening, the Ngok Dinka Paramount Chief in Abyei, Bulabek Deng Kuol, praised the security team for restoring peace and order.

“There have been no direct confrontations between Ngok and Twic communities since the arrival of the committee headed by the Chief of Defense Forces (CDF) Gen. Santino Deng Wol accompanied by the Director of National Security Gen. Akol Koor Kuch and the Inspector General of the Police Gen. Atem Marol, because they have deployed the forces between Twic and Abyei,” confirmed Deng.

According to the Paramount Chief, there were no more reports of armed clashes between the parties. However, he accused the Twic-backed militia of carrying out robberies and collecting huge and illegal taxes along the Mayen Abun-Abyei commercial corridor.

He explained: “The security situation has improved although there are some abuses such as robberies happening along the Mayen Abun-Abyei corridor. Some elements loot passengers and truckers and force them to pay huge amounts of illegal taxes, but there have been no death cases reported”.

Efforts to contact the Twic community leader and the governments of Warrap State and the Abyei Administrative Area for comments were unsuccessful.