
Cabinet approves alignment of EAC protocol

South Sudan’s Council of Ministers on Friday approved a Bill presented by the Justice Minister on alignment of the East African Community (EAC) protocols with the laws of South Sudan.

The EAC consists of eight countries, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and the latest entrant Somalia.

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir is the chairperson of the bloc.

Addressing reporters after the Cabinet meeting chaired by President Salva Kiir, Deputy Information, Communication Technology and Postal Services Minister Dr Jacob Maiju Korok, said the alignment would benefit South Sudanese in terms of trade and the free movement of goods.

“Ruben Madol Arol, the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, submitted the East African Community Treaty Bill 2024. The purpose of this Bill is to domesticate the treaty establishing the East African Community and its protocols in the National Laws of the Republic of South Sudan and to give the treaty the force to be an integral part of the laws of South Sudan,” Dr Korok said. 

He said the Cabinet also approved the Mining Act Amendment Bill to be in conformity with the agreement and the constitution of South Sudan.

“The Minister of Justice also submitted the Mining Act 2012 Amendment Bill 2024, the purpose of the Bill is to amend the Mining Act 2012 to conform to the revitalized agreement, the constitution and practice, to provide development of the nation mineral resources and establishing the South Sudan geological survey agency and mining cooperation and mining authority,” Korok said.

The two memos presented by the Justice Minister were thoroughly deliberated by the Council of Ministers and passed, he added.

The Deputy Information Minister also endorsed a memo for the establishment of gold mineral trading across South Sudan, presented by the Mining Minister.

“Martin Gama Abocha, the Minister of Mining, presented a memo on the endorsement of high-level steering committee on the establishment of a gold refinery and mineral trading centers in South Sudan,” he said

“The main aim of establishing this trading center is to ensure that artisanal and small scale miners benefit from our minerals, curbing smuggling across the borders.

“The Minister of Mining requested the Cabinet to approve the establishment of the steering committee and the technical team and the Council of Ministers directed the Ministry of Finance and Planning to pay the previously agreed amount for establishing mineral trading centers throughout the country,” Korok added.