C. Equatoria State government launches electronic tax system

The government of Central Equatoria State last week launched an electronic system for collecting taxes for all government institutions.

The government of Central Equatoria State last week launched an electronic system for collecting taxes for all government institutions.

Governor Emmanuel Adel Anthony said during the launch that the implementation of the “e-government” system aims to enhance transparency and accountability, as well as the participation of citizens in monitoring government activities.

“It is important to note that the purpose of launching the e-government system is to increase efficiency, transparency and accountability and citizens to participate in monitoring and scrutinizing the functions of the government among other things,” Governor Adil said.

He added: “E-government uses ICT as a support tool in development to allow higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency in government functions and performance in terms of improvement of processes and procedures. It also increases the quality of public service and improves the use of information in decision-making processes to ease communication among different agencies.”  

The governor explained that the system will use technology to achieve development by raising the level of services.

The UNMISS representative in the state, Elizabeth Heinsa, commended the state for launching the system and said it will help improve the economy by controlling the process of collecting revenue and providing services to citizens.

She said that the UN mission, as peace partners, expects that the activities of government institutions will be published through the website of the new electronic system in order to provide an opportunity to obtain information.