Bor man apprehended for shooting and injuring 7 in-laws

The police in Jonglei State said they are holding a man who opened fire on his in-laws and injured seven of them at the Bor main market in the state capital, Bor.

The police in Jonglei State said they are holding a man who opened fire on his in-laws and injured seven of them at the Bor main market in the state capital, Bor.

Seven men are nursing wounds at hospitals in Bor and Juba after a man opened gunfire on them while sitting at a shop in Bor’s Marol market on Thursday evening.    

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj over the weekend, Major-General Elia Costa Faustino, the state police commissioner, said the suspect was arrested on Thursday and is being investigated pending arraignment in court.

“We immediately dispatched our officers to the crime scene on that fateful Thursday evening to arrest the man involved in the shooting. The gun used in committing the crime is also under our custody,” he said. “According to preliminary investigations, the shooter was infuriated over some issues related to his daughter’s marriage.”

“Five of the injured whose conditions were serious have been transferred to Juba for further medication,” Gen. Costa added.

The police chief said they are waiting for medical reports and statements from the injured people before the suspect’s file is forwarded to court.

Gen. Costa urged the relatives of the injured people to remain calm as the law takes its course.