Bilharzia vaccination campaign underway in Awerial County

A five-day vaccination campaign kicked off last Friday in Awerial County in Lakes State aimed at preventing and treating cases of bilharzia.

A five-day vaccination campaign kicked off last Friday in Awerial County in Lakes State aimed at preventing and treating cases of bilharzia.

The campaign to combat the prevalence of bilharzia, especially among communities who reside near the River Nile, is targeting people aged five and above.

James Manyiel Ayup, the medical director in Awerial County, on Monday, said significant progress has been made during the campaign.

“The bilharzia vaccination campaign is now in its fourth day and is set to conclude on Tuesday,” he reported. “Our vaccination teams are actively engaged in public service announcements through radio talk shows and we have deployed sound systems to traverse the markets and villages, ensuring that the message reaches everyone.”

Manyiel added: “We are pleased with the response from the community.

He advised the public to have breakfast or eat something before coming for the vaccine as the side effects of the drug can be severe.

The health official said the campaign is covering the entire county and encouraged those who reside near the River Nile to take the vaccine as they are susceptible to bilharzia.

“The vaccination is especially vital for those residing along the River Nile where bilharzia cases have been reported,” Manyiel said. “It not only treats those affected but also provides prevention against bilharzia.”

Meanwhile, Daniel Akec Ahcut, a beneficiary of the vaccination campaign, said he experienced temporary side effects but is now fine.

“I have taken the drugs and I am now in good health. After taking the medicine, I experienced temporary discomfort, including lethargy, stomach cramps, fever, muscle and joint pains,” he said. “However, these symptoms subsided within 30 minutes and I have been well ever since. This vaccination will protect me from bilharzia for the next three years.”

“My entire family has also received the vaccination, safeguarding them from this disease,” Akec added.

He urged the communities in Awerial to take the vaccine before the campaign ends.

“Anyone in need of Bilharzia vaccination should promptly visit the nearest health center to receive the necessary medication,” Akec advised.