Bee attacks force school to close in Abyei

A wave of attacks by bees in Abyei resulted in dozens of bee stings and forced at least one school to shut its doors.

A wave of attacks by bees in Abyei resulted in dozens of bee stings and forced at least one school to shut its doors.

Alor Kor Deng, a teacher at Comboni School, told Radio Tamazuj that the bees caused panic and fear among residents and that children ran away from the school, leading to a temporary halt of educational activities.

Several local residents also complained to Radio Tamazuj of the rise in swarms of bees.

Deng said health authorities warned residents that bee stings can produce different reactions by the human body.

He urged the local authorities to put precautions in place and work hard to control the swarms of bees in the neighborhoods.

Abyei is a disputed area between the Sudan and South Sudan.

Map graphic: Al Jazeera

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