Ban Ki-moon cites ‘grave mistakes’ of S Sudan leaders

The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon says that South Sudanese leaders have committed “grave mistakes” that have harmed their people, but he says the new peace agreement creates a new window of opportunity.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon says that South Sudanese leaders have committed “grave mistakes” that have harmed their people, but he says the new peace agreement creates a new window of opportunity.

“South Sudan’s leaders have a chance to correct their grave mistakes and focus on the well-being of… the people of South Sudan. The road ahead will be difficult,” said Ban.

He was addressing a high-level meeting in New York yesterday, attended by SPLM/A-IO leader Riek Machar and by President Salva Kiir, via video teleconference.

“I urge the signatories to honour their solemn commitment and implement the agreement without delay. Reverting to war yet again cannot be an option,” said the UN leader.

Ban added, “I call on the parties to immediately cease all military operations and form the Transitional Government of National Unity to which they have agreed.  The parties must also provide unfettered access to those in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.”

The UN Secretary-General also applauded the African Union for its decision to create a court to try war crimes committed in South Sudan, stressing that “horrific crimes have been committed against civilians in this war.”

In order to mend the “shattered” social fabric of South Sudan, the provisions in the peace agreement related to justice, accountability and reconciliation must be implemented in full, according to Ban,