Babanusa’s sit-in has entered its twentieth-eigth consecutive day, with the number of citizens sitting in front of local authority buildings increasing dramatically despite the cold conditions.
A member of the Youth Committee, Mr. Hassan Hamed, told Radio Tamazuj yesterday that they are sticking to their demands for basic health and education services and clean drinking water, while dropping their demands to build and pave the roads in the town and to complete the construction of a road connecting Babanusa, Mujlad and Fula.
Mr. Hamed revealed that the sit-in had achieved some of its goals, and the Youth Committee will continue to monitor the authorities’ delivery on their promises. He stressed that the sit-in would continue.
Youth leaders arrested
Security authorities arrested three youth leaders in South Kordofan’s Mujlad on Monday 24 December.
Sources in Babanusa told Radio Tamazuj that security authorities stormed into a meeting held by the youth caucus to plan a peaceful sit-in at the square in Babanusa.
Youth leaders Mohammed Hassabu Issa, Abdelaha El-dow Abdelaha, and Abu-Gasim Iddris Jefinu were arrested. They were brought to the headquarters of the security forces in Majulad El Mujlad.
According to the same sources, security forces and the police have intensified their presence around the square and the local administration’s headquarters in Babanusa to prevent people gathering for another sit-in.
Hundreds of families including youth, women and students have been protesting at the – so called by the protesters – Tahrir (‘freedom’) square in Babanusa since the beginning of December. They are protesting against the deterioration of the services in the town.
Two weeks ago, a youth leader called Mohamed Yusif already revealed to Radio Tamazuj that he was threatened by the security authorities who demanded he stop protesting.