Azande Kingdom calls for tribal unity ahead of anniversary celebrations

Azande MKing Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue. (Courtesy photo)

The Azande Kingdom has appealed to people from South Sudan’s 64 tribes residing in Western Equatoria State to unite and support the upcoming third-anniversary celebrations of the Kingdom’s restoration slated for 9 January in Yambio.

In February 2022, the Azande Kingdom was restored after 117 years since King Gbudue was killed by the British colonialists in 1905. The great-grandson of King Gbudue, Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue, was then installed as the new Kingd on Gbudue day.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Monday, Isaac Sabir, the chairperson of the anniversary organizing committee, emphasized the importance of unity among all tribes in making the event a success.

“The Azande Kingdom, which was destroyed by the British in 1905, is now being celebrated for the third time since its restoration,” he said. “I am calling on all the 64 tribes to stand with the Azande people and celebrate together. The Kingdom is not just for the Azande but it belongs to everyone living in Western Equatoria State.”

He further stressed that the Kingdom promotes unity and inclusivity.

“We have various communities living here, including the Dinka, Nuer, Bari, Lotuko, Shilluk, Baka, Moru, Ugandans, and many others, and this celebration will be a platform for all these cultures to come together and showcase their traditions and symbols,” Sabir added.

For his part, Sebit Angelo Obebe, a representative of other tribes within the Kingdom, echoed Sabir’s message and urged all tribes to take part in the event scheduled for Thursday.

“This day will be a reminder of our diverse cultures. As elders and representatives of other tribes, we want everyone to come, showcase how they dress, what they eat, and share their traditions,” he stated. “This event is for all the 64 tribes in South Sudan to demonstrate their cultural heritage.”

Obebe called on the various communities in the state to participate in the cultural displays.

“My message to you all is to come and make this day memorable, so, let us unite and celebrate our rich cultural diversity together,” he concluded.

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