Awerial Anglican Church installs three canons

The Awerial Anglican Church of South Sudan’s Lakes State on Sunday installed its long-serving counselor, Justice Ayak Der Kom Awan as Lay Canon alongside Durukah Nyaror Chuei and Tabisa Nyarong Ring as canons of St. Paul Cathedral in the Awerial County headquarters, Mingkaman Town.

The installation of Justice Der also highlights recognition of his long-term services and contribution to the church.

The three canons were ordained during a special service officiated by Jackson Aripa Gabriel, Assistant Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Juba, at St. Paul Cathedral in Mingkaman.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj after the service, Bishop Aripa praised the newly installed canons for their dedication to service and faith in Christ.

“The installation is the appointment of some priests to be canons. Canons are advisors to the bishop in different fields like liturgy, administration, ministry, education, pastoral care, evangelism, and other fields that the bishop of the diocese may see necessary for a person to be appointed to advise him,” he said. “We also thank the bishop for appointing a lawyer, Ayak, to be a lay canon. He will actually act as a bridge between the communities and the church and between the government and the church. He is an overall advisor to the bishop concerning the law and anything concerning the law. He is the right person to advise the bishop.”

For his part, Justice Ayak Der Kom Awanm said he has been Christian since 1957 and appreciated Anglican Church for recognizing his years of service and faith in Christ.

“I am already a chancellor of the church. So, I do not see any great difference. I will still carry out the same activities I used to do when I am called by the bishop,” he stated. “As I usually go to the church, I will continue. I think nothing much should be added to this title. It is only an honor to me for my activities.”

The service was attended by the commissioner of Awerial County, Philip Mawut Garang, other government officials, clergy, and Christians among others.