Aweil youth condenms threat to target citizens from other regions

Youth from different counties and organizations in the states of Aweil have denied any knowledge of any youth having come out to threaten any citizen from other regions living or working in the area.

Youth from different counties and organizations in the states of Aweil have denied any knowledge of any youth having come out to threaten any citizen from other regions living or working in the area.

“With reference to Great Aweil Concern Youth meeting on the 20th of October 2016 at South Sudan Hotel Aweil, we write to express our strong denunciation and condemnation of the alleged letter circulated in the social media warning Equatorias in Aweil to leave and wish to inform South Sudanese citizens that such behaviors do not represent the will of the youth of the peaceful state in the Country. We want to maintain our pride of being peaceful people in South Sudan therefore, such people are enemies of peace who want to portray our most respected image”, the group said in a statement extended to Radiotamazuj on Friday.

The youth, according to the statement convened a meeting in Aweil town, capital of former Northern Bahr el Ghazal during which representatives from relief organisations resolved to condemn the letter circulating in the name of Aweil youths to instill fear into the population of other regions working and going about their business in greater Aweil.

It calls upon the government of the republic of south Sudan, beginning with Aweil government to not only condemn the act of violence but bring to book the perpetrators.

The statement further appealed to both the NGOs and Equatorian youths in question to never take this threat seriously as it doesn’t originate from us the youth of this area. “It should be a known fact majority of our sons in this area since 1900 had been making an enormous contribution to have a country call south Sudan, and we would fight the last person distorting the vision of the country we created without division”.