The Northern Bahr al Ghazal Ministry of Education has issued a resolution for the reopening of schools of Aweil West and North counties, following bombings in the area last week carried out allegedly by Sudanese warplanes.
Speaking on Thursday, the Director General in the Ministry Jok Aleu Jok said that the situation has returned to normal since the bombings and the schools will reopen Monday.
“There were airplanes that bombed Aweil North and Aweil West so it caused fear to the children. I made the decision to close the schools but now the situation has become normal so I decided to open the schools on Tuesday the 20th in the two counties,” he said.
Four people were reported killed and nine wounded in the bombings last week.
Meanwhile, the Ayat community in Australia has contributed funds to help the bomb-affected communities. On Thursday the State Minister of Health Tong Deng Anei together with a committee formed by the donors paid an official visit to wounded patients at Aweil State Hospital to comfort them and give them some money for further treatment.
Tong said that the team from the Ayat community went to the hospital to see the wounded. “Nine patients were affected and four died innocently,” the minister commented. “We strongly condemn this act of Khartoum government of bombing our people without any reason.”