Aweil North: Dinka Malual, Rizeigat hold peace talks

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South Sudan’s Dinka Malual community and the Rizeigat tribe of Sudan are discussing security, border trade and relations in Gokmachar town of Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State’s Aweil North County, ahead of the beginning of cattle migration in the area.

The two communities’ Joint Border Peace Committees are spearheading the talks aimed at ensuring peaceful coexistence.

The Arab Rizeigat delegation comprising of 8 members arrived in South Sudan from Sudan’s East Darfur State, to hold the talks with their Dinka Malual counterparts.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Thursday, the Chairperson for Dinka Malual Peace Committee, Anguei Noon Atak, said that their discussions were based on the free movement of people, and livestock management, among others.

“As Joint Border Peace Committees, our current discussions are on trade, livestock management and free movement of people and goods,” said Atak.

“We are discussing these agendas because security and peace are protected through collective responsibility from both communities,” he added.

The head of Rizeigat Peace Committee, Abdalla Sadiq Saad, revealed that they had involved the Aweil North County Commissioner, Kiir Chan Wol, who the sister-communities were looking up to for support.

“We have met the Aweil North County Commissioner, Kiir Chan Wol, who resides in Gokmachar to brief him about our progress. We are committed to peaceful coexistence along the borders,” Sadiq said.

Wol commended the communities for their positive approach to resolving all matters through high-level peace conferences.

“Of course, it is known that these communities conduct conferences before they meet to review the agreements reached in the past and what obstacles occurred in the process,” said Wol.