Aweil MPs condemn Mile 14 agreement, Darfur governor welcomes

Northern Bahr el Ghazal members of the national parliament of South Sudan have denounced the Mile 14 agreement between Sudan and South Sudan to demilitarize the state’s border with Darfur, while the governor of East Darfur has welcomed the deal. Nycong Deng from the Gok Machar constituency said he rejects the agreement, and stated that the 1924 Samaha Agreement was meant only to allow Rizeigat to graze south of the Bahr El Arab and not as a permanent border. The Sultan Wanyuan Atour also announced his full rejection of the agreement and said there is no place for Rizeigat in Mile 14. In a related issue a number of people in Eastern Darfur expressed fears at statements by Paul Malong, the Northern Bahr el Ghazal governor, and some other leaders in the Republic of South Sudan rejecting the agreement and announcing non-withdrawal from Mile 14. In an interview with Radio Tamazuj from El Daein, the governor of East Darfur stated Tuesday that residents welcomed the agreement and cooperation with South Sudan, but they are worried by statements by Paul Malong which came within 24 hours of the agreement in Addis Ababa. Governor Hamid Mohamed Fadl Allah said that were negative statements and these could abort the agreement, as Fadl Allah Eastern Darfur governor asked Paul Malong to pull back his statements and withdraw his army from the area, to restore hope in the hearts of the people of eastern Darfur and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states. He denied that he requested forces from the Ministry of Interior in Sudan to reclaim Mile 14, revealing that he asked police forces from the Ministry of Interior to protect Abu Haraz peace conference between Rizeigat and Al Maaliya in the state. Fadl Allah requested to sit down with Northern Bahr el Ghazal governor Paul Malong to begin implementation of the border agreements.

Northern Bahr el Ghazal members of the national parliament of South Sudan have denounced the Mile 14 agreement between Sudan and South Sudan to demilitarize the state’s border with Darfur, while the governor of East Darfur has welcomed the deal.

Nycong Deng from the Gok Machar constituency said he rejects the agreement, and stated that the 1924 Samaha Agreement was meant only to allow Rizeigat to graze south of the Bahr El Arab and not as a permanent border.

The Sultan Wanyuan Atour also announced his full rejection of the agreement and said there is no place for Rizeigat in Mile 14.

In a related issue a number of people in Eastern Darfur expressed fears at statements by Paul Malong, the Northern Bahr el Ghazal governor, and some other leaders in the Republic of South Sudan rejecting the agreement and announcing non-withdrawal from Mile 14.

In an interview with Radio Tamazuj from El Daein, the governor of East Darfur stated Tuesday that residents welcomed the agreement and cooperation with South Sudan, but they are worried by statements by Paul Malong which came within 24 hours of the agreement in Addis Ababa.

Governor Hamid Mohamed Fadl Allah said that were negative statements and these could abort the agreement, as Fadl Allah Eastern Darfur governor asked Paul Malong to pull back his statements and withdraw his army from the area, to restore hope in the hearts of the people of eastern Darfur and Northern Bahr el Ghazal states.

He denied that he requested forces from the Ministry of Interior in Sudan to reclaim Mile 14, revealing that he asked police forces from the Ministry of Interior to protect Abu Haraz peace conference between Rizeigat and Al Maaliya in the state.

Fadl Allah requested to sit down with Northern Bahr el Ghazal governor Paul Malong to begin implementation of the border agreements.