Aweil hospital in need of drug supplies, official

Aweil state hospital official laments over lack of medicines in the main state hospital and calls for urgent supply from the national ministry and health partners.

Aweil state hospital official laments over lack of medicines in the main state hospital and calls for urgent supply from the national ministry and health partners.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Friday, Reec Mathok Diing, Aweil state hospital director said the health facility ran out of medicine four months ago, hampering the delivery of health services to the local population.

“The hospital is passing through difficult conditions because one of the challenges facing most hospitals in South Sudan is that we depend so much on organizations for medicine. So one of the problems Aweil hospital is facing is lack of medicine for the last 4 months,” said Mathok.

Mathok called on the national government and health partners to avail the much-needed medicines to the entire population of Aweil State.