Aweil East government responds to flooding

The Aweil East Deputy Governor has led a delegation to visit thousands of people living in the Akuem and Peth Lou affected by recent floods.

The Aweil East Deputy Governor has led a delegation to visit thousands of people living in the Akuem and Peth Lou affected by recent floods.

Recent flooding of the Makadhiik River caused massive destruction on crops before the harvest stage, an official in the newly created Malual North County of Lol state told Radio Tamazuj recently. 

The local population are still living in the areas that have been destroyed, the Aweil East State Minister of Information Ayuel Yai said in an interview with Radio Tamazuj.

“The total number of households affected in both sites is more than one thousand. Their houses and all their belongings including crops have been completely destroyed. There will be no production and so it is an alarming bell for hunger next year,” Yai said.

Yai said that the state government is attempting to mobilize assistance with the national disaster and crisis management office, and humanitarian agencies before the situation become worse.

He also expressed his concern about the health condition of displaced population, and asked medical organizations to assess the situation.


Fear of crops destruction in Aweil North after River flooding (14. Jul)