Aweil: 30 people with special needs receive food donation

A well-wisher has donated food items to 30 people with special needs in Aweil town of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Friday, a local organization said.

A well-wisher donated food items to 30 people with special needs in Aweil town of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State on Friday, a local organization said.

Peter Diing Ngong, the Executive Director of the Wider Aid and Development Agency- South Sudan (WADA-SS), told Radio Tamazuj that 30 people with special needs received food aid through his organization.

“The selection criteria used was to choose the 30 most vulnerable people. The woman who supported those people is called Josephine Tatuo, Diing said.

Grace Abuk, one of the beneficiaries, said:  “I am very happy with my sister and servant of God, Josephine, for the good thing she has done for us. We are so happy, and we hope that God may bless her and increase her wealth.”

Meanwhile, Moses Yum, another beneficiary, said: “We are so glad, and we don’t have anything to reward her except prayers so that God give her whatsoever she wishes in her life.”

The food donation by Josephine Tatuo was distributed through the Wider Aid and Development Agency.