Authorities arrest suspect for chief’s murder

The County authority of Rumbek East announced the arrest of a suspect in the case of the murder of late paramount chief Apareer Chut Dhuol.

The County authority of Rumbek East announced the arrest of a suspect in the case of the murder of late paramount chief Apareer Chut Dhuol.

Nyaar Achiek last month was suspected to have killed Dhuol at the Pacong Payam. Dhuok was the elder brother of beleaguered Lakes’ military caretaker governor Matur Chut Dhuol.

Acting Commissioner of Rumbek East Mawet Manuer told Radio Tamazuj that the organized forces with chiefs in the areas found Achiek last week.

Mawet said the chiefs and other forces nominated from the areas are still looking for four others accused of moving Achiek. He said he heard one of the other four suspects was arrest but he was not sure of the information.

The commissioner said he was not sure when the suspect was arrested but he believed the suspect was arrested between 23 to 24 this month and he has remained in detention for investigation.

Mawet said the security situation is calm after the arrest, and credited caretaker governor Dhuol. Dhuol has come under heavy criticism for lawlessness in Lakes, with the national assembly voting to remove him last week.

“Our rights are different from what the politicians are speaking about in Juba concerning removable of Lake State caretaker governor,” Mawet said. “We are the administrators of the areas and what being discussed in Juba by the parliament, we cannot listen to what they are saying from the national parliament. Matur has done a lot of things like the security, and development is improving in Lake State.”


Politics: Lakes governor hits back at parliament over no confidence vote

Politics: S Sudan parliament votes to remove Lakes State governor

Lawlessness in Lakes after chief’s murder

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