Attempted assassination of Deng Alor dismissed as rumour

Luka Biong Deng, a politician from the disputed Abyei Area, has dismissed a report that ex-cabinet minister Deng Alor Kuol survived an assassination attempt during the recent referendum exercise.

Luka Biong Deng, a politician from the disputed Abyei Area, has dismissed a report that ex-cabinet minister Deng Alor Kuol survived an assassination attempt during the recent referendum exercise.

It was reported by the Khartoum-based Akhir Lahza newspaper yesterday that the prominent Ngok Dinka leader survived an assassination plot by unknown criminals in Abyei.

The newspaper stated that the former minister along with some of his family members were intercepted by unidentified criminals when on their way from Turalei area to Aneit town to inspect polling stations there.

The paper added that the Referendum Commission spokesman likewise survived the alleged ambush, but lost a sum of money besides his laptop. After the supposed incident, Deng Alor was reported to have flown by helicopter to Kwajok in Warrap State, according to Akhir Lahza.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj, the spokesman for the Abyei Referendum High Committee Dr. Luka Biong vehemently dismissed the rumour and confirmed that the report was totally fabricated.

“Deng is in Abyei in good health – we know that some people hold grudges against him,” he explained. “The leading figure of the Ngok Dinka Mr Alor is likely to announce the referendum results,” he added.