Attack on villages in Upper Nile State: official

An armed force allegedly from Akoka County in Upper Nile attacked villages on the road between Malakal and Renk on Thursday night. 

An armed force allegedly from Akoka County in Upper Nile attacked villages on the road between Malakal and Renk on Thursday night. 

Nyalwela Akwei, the state’s advisor for rural development, told Radio Tamazuj that insecurity in the same area has led to the closure of the Malakal-Renk road.

“In Abanin, an area of the Shilluk on the eastern bank there yesterday they burned it down at night and killed five people. The attackers came from Akoka in two vehicles,” explained the official.

Awkwei added that the same armed group is now believed to be targeting travelers along the Renk-Malakal road. He said three vehicles traveling along the road were recently commandeered, including a lorry, a Hiace bus, and an Etios car.

Another source in the region, an elder in Balit County, Adong Payom, said some civilians left his area because of conflict.