Attack on goods trucks convoy leaves 3 injured in Jonglei

Three people were injured when a convoy of over 50 trucks and humanitarian vehicles came under attack along the Bor-Uror County road in Jonglei State on Thursday, a local official said.

Three people were injured when a convoy of over 50 trucks and humanitarian vehicles came under attack along the Bor-Uror County road in Jonglei State on Thursday, a local official said.

Mahmoud Chuol Peter, the director-general at the state information ministry, told Radio Tamazuj Friday that the convoy of empty trucks was returning to Bor after delivering food to Uror when it was attacked. He said the three injured people are receiving treatment at Bor State Hospital.   

“The incident happened on Thursday at 2 pm on the Bor-Gadiang road. 3 people were wounded and they are now being treated in the hospital,” he said. “Four children were also abducted but they were later luckily recovered by the local youth.”

Chuol accused armed youth suspected to have come from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) of involvement in the attack.

Meanwhile, Machot Gatluak Kenyjak, the Uror County commissioner, called for the deployment of security forces along the vital road.

“We tried deploying the police in areas like Peleng and Luorbieldeng along the road however the challenge was that we could not support them logistically,” he explained. “The road is long so we want an intervention.”

For his part, Abraham Kelang, the GPAA information minister, said they are not aware of the attack.

“We are not aware of our youth attacking a convoy of about 60 vehicles,” he said. “No one in Jonglei State reached out to us yet they have our contacts and there is no reason to link the attack to our youth because there is no evidence.”