Archbishop of Canterbury visits Kadugli

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby visited Kadugli, one of five dioceses in Sudan, where there has been conflict.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby visited Kadugli, one of five dioceses in Sudan, where there has been conflict.

The archbishop arrived in Khartoum on Saturday for a rare visit to Sudan where he inaugurated the Anglican Church of Sudan.

In a Facebook post, the religious leader said he was struck by the attitude towards refugees, explaining that Sudan sets an example to many around the world in its welcome to those in need.

“I am sure it's a great pressure on the government and local people to receive such large numbers, and the people of Sudan have shown true humanity,” he said.

The archbishop pointed out that he was also impressed by the hope for peace and reconciliation.” In Kadugli, I heard inspiring stories from Christian and Muslim leaders who want peace, and who are actively working together to achieve it,” he said.

Sudan has been accused of oppressing Christians with several religious leaders arrested on charges of espionage.