Appeal for help as mystery cattle disease ravages Pochalla

Authorities in Pochalla North County of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) have called for an intervention as a ‘mysterious zoonotic disease’ swiftly spreads, resulting in the death of over 101 cattle in just one week.

Pochalla North County Commissioner Gilo Ochan Gilo told Radio Tamazuj over the weekend that the disease was first detected last week in a number of cattle afflicted with pus-filled blisters on their hides before dying.

“Fifty cows have died so far in Otallo, 25 in Ajwara, and 18 in Burator, while 8 more died in Omila. What happens is that a cow shows pus-filled blisters on the hide and stops grazing and then succumbs to the sickness,” he stated.

Gilo said it was the first time they were experiencing such a disease and appealed for veterinary medical intervention.

“We do not know the cause of this disease and it is the first time that we are experiencing this. We are calling on our National Government and aid agencies to come to our aid. This disease is spreading and has even claimed the lives of some cattle in Pochala South County,” he said.