Angry youth beat up 2 humanitarian workers in Torit over jobs

Some angry youth from the Monyiemiji Forum beat up two humanitarian workers in Torit following a meeting with the Eastern Equatoria State government and the head of NGOs over employment.

Some angry youth from the Monyiemiji Forum beat up two humanitarian workers in Torit following a meeting with the Eastern Equatoria State government and the head of NGOs over employment. 

Last month, the Monyiemiji Forum, composed of youth from Torit, Ikotos, and Lopit in Lafon County petitioned the government demanding just employment in the NGOs sector. This prompted the state government to form a committee to find a solution to the complaints. 

The Mayor of Torit municipal council, Joseph Aye Joseph Oswaha, told Radio Tamazuj that the youth beat the two aid workers after the meeting held at Torit SPLM secretariat hall on Wednesday.

“They beat one from Zande, he ran and entered the education ministry and another one was also beaten and he ran through Health Link from Madi. I got all this information this morning. I said my people, what is all this? This is not good, we spoke of it before and we condemn it. It is not a way of resolving conflicts,” Oswaha said.

The official strongly urged the youth to refrain from violence and allow the government and their chosen members in the committee to work for solutions in the given days.

“People should be patient until your issue is resolved and you will get it peacefully, give a chance to the committee to do the work. What happened yesterday was very bad, one was admitted at UNMISS clinic,” Mayor Oswaha said. “Nobody has been arrested but we said the victim has to be given his right. I also heard a laptop was stolen from another person, it has to be returned.”

One of the youths, Stephen Olelang, told Radio Tamazuj in Otuho language that the aid worker who was beaten was mocking the Monyiemiji.

“He told those guys that why are you coming here in big numbers at SPLM state secretariat, you think that your petition will work? That is why he was beaten but ideally, if he was quiet without talking anyhow like that he was not going to be beaten,” Olelang said. 

After long deliberations and discussions, the meeting finally resolved that a team of four Monyiemiji is co-opted into the government committee to assess and investigate the NGOs and UN agencies and provide findings to Monyiemiji and relevant government authorities within a week.

They also resolved that the applicants applying for the advertised positions should get a recommendation from the Payam or Boma and that shortlisting of applicants should be done by the state public service, Monyiemiji, and the state-level panel of interviews comprising hiring NGO and RRC.